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Tempest Area Teams Recruiting Halo Players

Tempest Area teams are actively recruiting players in advance of live play that will be happening in February in west coast Microsoft stores. The current teams in the Portland region include the Burnsiders and the Willamette Valley Swarm.

The Burnsiders are managed by Jeff eXtine and sponsored by eXtelevison. Jeff has been around the eSports scene as a player and caster for a number of years. His experience gives him great insight on what it takes to bring out the best in players.

Matt “DJBluePDX” is the charismatic manager of the Willamette Valley Swarm. Matt is a major casting talent for the PBL. He is also heavily involved with the Griftball community. He is able to leverage his connections to Giftball players to find talented people to help build a top tier Halo team.

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